Our professional services help your child do the everyday tasks and activities that are important to them and to your family.
We help children to participate and build independence in many areas including handwriting, eating, dressing, toileting, play skills, attention in the classroom, sensory processing, challenging behaviour, playing sports and interacting with friends.
Early Childhood Intervention with your Key Worker
What is a Key Worker?
· A Key Worker is an early childhood intervention specialist who acts as the key point of contact for young children and their families.
· Key Workers come from a range of professional backgrounds which can include Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Special Educators, Physiotherapists and Psychologists.
· A Key Worker is the person you will see and talk to most in your early childhood intervention service and is your child’s primary therapist.
· Key Workers are responsible for coordinating and building your child’s team as well as providing therapy support across all areas of your child’s development.
Why choose a Key Worker?
A Key Worker collaborates in a team but takes the lead role in providing support to you and your child across all developmental areas. This means you are getting access to a range of specialists but therapy is delivered in a personalised, family-centered way by a highly qualified professional. This model of practice is recommended best-practice approach by the NDIS for young children with developmental delays or disability.
Key Workers will support you to;
· Identify your goals and priorities.
· Coordinate and draw on knowledge from multiple specialists.
· Support you to utilise therapy techniques into your everyday routines.
· Help you develop tailored and personalised strategies to help your child achieve their goals.
· Connect you and your child with different services.
· Talk with your child’s support network to encourage collaboration.
We support children who are having challenges completing tasks they need or want to do. Children may present with Developmental Delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Attention and Learning challenges, Handwriting Difficulties, Sensory Processing Challenges, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder or Motor Planning Challenges.
Contact us to discuss your concerns and how we can best support you and your child.
After making contact with us, we will schedule our first appointment. During this initial consultation, your Occupational Therapist will discuss your concerns and identify some potential goals.
We will provide you with recommendations & come up with a plan together on how your child will benefit the most from our therapy services.
Get in touch with us today!
Please fill out the contact form below & we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.